Honey Malcom Winery

Thank you for shopping at Honey Malcom Winery.

Honey Malcom Winery cares deeply about your data, and it is vital you know that we realize your personal data is important to you also. This privacy policy details how your data is used, what your rights are and how you control the use of your personal information. This privacy policy informs you of the efforts we are making to protect your data and display the integrity in the way we handle it. We will not sell or pass your personal information without your clear consent. If you have questions or concerns about your personal data, please contact us. We may collect some information about you, as described in this Policy, but you control how much you share about yourself, as noted in the consent box on the checkout page.

You must be 18 to give consent. We do not knowingly allow the purchase of our goods or collect information from children under 18 years of age.

We do not sell your personal information. However, we may share such information with our vendors and suppliers in connection with providing the services needed to manage and complete the order.

If we use a third party to assist us in the order process, they will be bound to protect your information in line with this policy. We may collect, use and share aggregate, anonymous information about our users.

In certain legal situations, we may be compelled to disclose your personal information. If you are outside of the United States, you understand and agree that we may store your information in the United States.

We strive for compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield Principles, EU-GDPR principles and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Principles (the “Privacy Shield Principles”) regarding the collection, use, sharing, and retention of personal information from the European Union and Switzerland.


How Does Honey Malcom Winery Obtain Personal Information?

We may ask you for personal information. We collect only the personal data relevant to providing you with a service and use your information just to ensure the fulfillment of this service.

Personal information comes to us in many different ways, such as:
Purchase of a product from us
Register on the website
Submit questions
Email us
Submit pricing requests on the checkout page
Enter a drawing or contest

Personal data we may collect (if applicable) includes the following:
Date of Birth
Email address
Postal address
Phone number and/or mobile number
Products shopped

Your credit card number, CVV, etc., is held securely by our credit card processor which cannot be accessed by Honey Malcom Winery.

How Does Honey Malcom Winery Use Personal Information?
We use personal information provided orally or in writing (including via electronic media) by customers in order to:
Process and manage your purchase of Honey Malcom Winery products
Respond to your customer service inquiries
Communicate with you about your order or purchase
Communicate with you about our brand, products, events or other promotional purposes
You can unsubscribe to these emails at any time by replying to the message you received with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line or simply by clicking on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email message.


We use “cookies” to collect information about you and your activity on our site. A cookie is a small piece of data that our website stores on your computer, and access each time your visit so we can understand how you use our site and serve you content based on preferences you have specified.

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services without access. This policy covers the use of cookies only between your computer and our website.


We may employ software and other resources from third-party companies and individuals on our websites. For example, these companies could be processors, payment partners, analytics providers, and other content partners. These third parties have access to your personal information only to perform specific tasks on our behalf. Any information accessed by these third-party technologies is governed by the privacy practices of those third-party technologies.

Andrews Vineyards does not control and is not responsible for the collection of information by such third-party technologies.


For your security, our web-based ordering process utilizes an advanced technology known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This ensures that all sales transaction information is transferred via encrypted methods.

Upon submitting an order, all credit card numbers and related information are transmitted using the encryption methods described above. You should be able to verify the security status by clicking on the closed lock icon at the end of the URL address bar of your browser. The information that you provide us will not be shared or sold to other companies other than as necessary to fulfill your request, as for example, to ship an order. The information is utilized so that we may offer a level of service commensurate with the quality of our wines. Furthermore, we take reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorized access to any data you provide with accessing or ordering through the Services.

Aligning with the efforts of the EU-GDPR, if there is any break of your personal data, we will notify the appropriate resources within 72 hours.


Our websites may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot assume responsibility for their treatment of your personal information. This privacy policy only covers our website and privacy practices.


If you are under 18 years of age, no information should be submitted to us without the consent of a relevant parent or guardian.


These Services are not directed specifically at children under the age of 18. We will not
knowingly collect or use personal information from anyone under the age of 18. Assure that your
child does not give us personal information online without asking your permission.


This data is processed and retained in the United States of America. Honey Malcom Winery uses and retains personal information you provide to do one of the following:

Order processing: Any data collected from order processing will be maintained for a period of time deemed necessary for the management of that order. It will not be used for marketing purposes.

Marketing efforts: If you consented to be marketed to, your personal data will be retained for a period of 120 months and then deleted.


At our discretion, we may update or change our privacy policy from time to time. Your continued use of this site after any changes to this policy will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around the most current privacy and personal information policy.


You can contact Honey Malcom Winery and our privacy controller, at info@honeymalcomwinery.com for data requests.


This Privacy Policy provides you with all information necessary (in an easily accessible way) to make an informed choice as to whether to use this website and to send your personal information to us or not. Therefore, by browsing this website and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our Processing of your indirect personal information (cookies, connection, and system information) in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. If you wish to register on the website or ask us to provide a service to you (i.e., a product purchase, newsletter or new product details, etc.) we will need additional direct personal information (e.g., name, address and email address) from you. If you are under 18, we ask you to contact your parent or legal guardian, for your express consent to collect and use this Personal Information.

This Personal Information will be used only for the purposes for which you gave it to us.